Is Technology Friend or Foe? My 5 Tech Hacks for Running a Business
I recently shared my top 5 tech hacks that have helped me run and grow my business now for over 13 years. This video is a summary of my 15 minute presentation to the Lake Macquarie Business Chamber but it should give you an insight into my business approach that has helped me maintain a lifestyle and remain lean and agile whilst still growing in a global and competitive market.
1. Data Is King
The ability to track your own data in your business is a game changer that every business owner should be doing. When you track data on your key business metrics you can acutely understand the operation of your business.
There is an old saying, you can’t improve what you can’t measure and hence when you are aware of your business data you can finely tune your inputs and outputs to get you closer to your optimal results.
Modern software and applications and iOT devices give us access to all kinds of metrics from our business operations allowing us to be aware of it and improve it.
What is the one metric you could be measuring to improve your business?
2. Continuous Improvement
I use a system called Automate, Eliminate & Delegate to continuously improve my business through small steps that overtime can make large improvements to my business operation.
Automate is taking out the human aspect of a task by automating it. I have been able to cut time on many things by automating them which new technologies provide.
Eliminate is getting rid of a task all together. Either by automating them or finding a way so they are no longer needed at all.
Delegate is giving a task to someone else. My admin assistant was great for this at first, and now I have been able to employ a junior designer to pass things onto as well.
3. Differentiation
What is the one thing that makes your business different and how can your business stand out from the crowd?
Determining this will help you differentiate your business and can influence the design of your brand which can be expressed through technological platforms such as your website, social media, video and blogging.
You can also use branding to differentiate your business from your competitors in a cluttered market. Learn more on differentiation here.
4. Content Marketing Speeds Trust
Content marketing can help build trust and generate business. Unlike other marketing, content marketing must give customers something useful … content! It is not focussed on producing demand for a new need or product but rather focussed on giving something valuable to new and old customers.
The world of content marketing is now available because of the interactive nature of the internet through social media, websites, blogs, podcasts and video. Learn more about how content marketing speeds trust here.
5. Authenticity is the new Advertising
Advertising has taken a huge shift in recent years. In the past businesses advertised on the range of media where advertising was available. TV, radio, print, billboards etc, this type of advertising is still a large outlet but is now being replaced by social media, blogs, podcasts, youtube, websites and many more digital applications.
Due to this shift, we can not simply advertise to build an audience, we need to build connections with people in an authentic and engaging mindset where the user feels connected to the supplier. New technologies enable this. Learn more about how authenticity is killing advertising here.
In Summary
So that’s my 5 top tech hacks to running a business which are not at all frightening as they are a combination of human traits merging with technology … they are part mind, part machine utilising a combination of human know-how with modern technology giving the small business owner huge leverage in the market place.

Daniel Borg
Creative Director
psyborg® was founded by Daniel Borg, an Honours Graduate in Design from the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Daniel also has an Associate Diploma in Industrial Engineering and has experience from within the Engineering & Advertising Industries.
Daniel has completed over 2800 design projects consisting of branding, content marketing, digital marketing, illustration, web design, and printed projects since psyborg® was first founded. psyborg® is located in Lake Macquarie, Newcastle but services business Nation wide.
I really do enjoy getting feedback so please let me know your thoughts on this or any of my articles in the comments field or on social media below.
Cheers Daniel