Search Engine Tips
Did you know that in addition to entering a key word or phrase into your favourite search engine or in particular Google you can also enter various symbols to help maximize your search results.
psyborg® has created a list of additional functions that will assist your Google searching needs.
Did you know that other then entering a key word or phrase into Google that you can also enter other interesting terms and symbols that can help to maximize your search results. There is definitely more than meets the eye.
Case sensitive!
Most search engines are not case sensitive, hence if you enter Psyborg, psyborg or PsYbOrG you will get the same result.
Quotation marks (” “)
By placing quotation marks around phrases of 2 or more words you actually search for the phrase rather than the two individual words. For example by searching for “Fantastic Design” compared to just Fantastic Design, you increase your results by capturing the exact phrase.
If you would like to find out a definition of a particular word, you can type in define and then a space before your word. The search engine will result back with links to definitions of that word.
Who links to you
Did you know that by typing link: and your website domain, you can find out what other website’s have links to your website. For example if I type in I can find out all of those people linking to the google site.
Currency conversion
Google also has a built in currency converter. Simply enter the details of your conversion and hit search. A conversion will be returned! An example of an entry maybe: 2,500 AUS in USD.
Built in calculator
Did you know that the search field is also a calculator. You can enter your mathematical equations and google will return the results. For example 5+2*52.
Weather search
If you type in weather and your area, google will also return with today’s weather information as well as the week forecast. It will also return other web links that can provide further information. For example give Weather Newcastle a shot.
Using the minus (-) symbol
You can use the minus symbol to negate a particular word in your search. For example if you were searching for Pearl Drumkits but you did not want the Pearl Necklaces you could type in ‘Pearl – Necklaces’. This would search for all Pearl references but not return anything to do with necklaces.
Using the plus (+) symbol
You can combine characters by using the + symbol to string various characters & words together. This ensures that the combination of the characters are searched rather than the individual separated characters that are usually overlooked. For example searching for ‘Star Wars Episode + 1’ rather than ‘Star Wars Episode 1’ will assist your search in looking for the exact phrase rather than the four separate words & characters, as 1 would usually be overlooked.

Daniel Borg
Creative Director
psyborg® was founded by Daniel Borg, an Honours Graduate in Design from the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Daniel also has an Associate Diploma in Industrial Engineering and has experience from within the Engineering & Advertising Industries.
Daniel has completed over 2800 design projects consisting of branding, content marketing, digital marketing, illustration, web design, and printed projects since psyborg® was first founded. psyborg® is located in Lake Macquarie, Newcastle but services business Nation wide.
I really do enjoy getting feedback so please let me know your thoughts on this or any of my articles in the comments field or on social media below.
Cheers Daniel