Exploring Tasmania
My family and I just arrived home from an amazing time exploring Tasmania in a 6 berth motorhome.
Over 10 days we drove from Hobart up the East Coast and across to Cradle Mountain and then back down through the center. Living in a camper with 4 kids for 10 days had its challenges but I can honestly say that this was one of the best experiences of my life.
It was one of those out of the ‘comfort-zone-experiences’ where I felt we grew as a family and noticeable highlights were; cruising with the dolphins and seals around the rugged cliffs of Tasman Island (the bottom of Australia), zip lining with my 6 year old through old growth Tasmanian forests and playing with my kids make-believe characters throughout the whole journey on our once-in-a-lifetime road trip.
The Tasmanian locals were exceptionally hospitable with various examples of standout-kindness and the National Parks System is world winning.
As an aside it was amazing to get off-the-grid with the fantastic support of my team and clients for a much needed refresh.

Daniel Borg
Creative Director
psyborg® was founded by Daniel Borg, an Honours Graduate in Design from the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Daniel also has an Associate Diploma in Industrial Engineering and has experience from within the Engineering & Advertising Industries.
Daniel has completed over 2800 design projects consisting of branding, content marketing, digital marketing, illustration, web design, and printed projects since psyborg® was first founded. psyborg® is located in Lake Macquarie, Newcastle but services business Nation wide.
I really do enjoy getting feedback so please let me know your thoughts on this or any of my articles in the comments field or on social media below.
Cheers Daniel